Monday 4 June 2012

Star Hunting

This picture belongs to Mike Ambach
Today I did something important: I had my first consultation for fertility issues. M and I have been open to the idea of having a baby for almost 4 years, but until now it did not happened. Life, as you know, have been busy for us… and only lately I have finally accepted that I have fertility problems and that it would be wise to get some help - a window that took us a long time and courage to open. I know this could be an unpredictable journey. But it feels like the right moment, and I do hope to have the strength, wisdom and love to go along this path. Today I told my mother, she understood how important this step was. She was happy. Me too. I told her not to broadcast it. And yet, a few hours later is out in my blog. Since it is an important step in our life, I just thought it would be nice to share it. Wish us luck in hunting our start!

1 comment:

cjgorricho said...

No sabes la alegría que me produce esta decisión, que estoy seguro, muy pronto dará frutos y la alegría es doble, porque ahora tendré más retoños para contarles historias de sus padres, en especial las tuyas, de las cuales tengo un buen costalado.
Espero que los mellizos sean niño y niña!!!!